Know everything you want to know about studying in USA

Get real time help through video chat from alumni’s and students of universities in America


On-Demand Guidance for coming to America

Create Your Profile

Setup your Craduate profile to help us understand which phase of coming to America you are in and how to find you best possible help.

Find Mentors

Search & shortlist mentors matching your needs and profile. Each mentor is verified and rated by other students.

Book an Appointment

Check mentor’s availability and book a 1:1 video chat appointment paying a small fee. Mentor will confirm as soon as they can.

Your Baby Steps to America

We have been in these shoes before, so we know what exactly is required from the beginning to your entry to the united states of america

  • Shortlisting & decision making on universities to apply based on your preferences
  • Visa paperwork & Visa interview preparation
  • Flight booking, health insurance, airport pickup, temp accomodation, apartment finder, phone connection,

In addition to on-demand guidance to USA, we also provide

SOP / Essay Writing Guidance

Visa Paperwork and Preparation

Airport Pickup & Welcome Kit

Temporary Accommodation

Apartment and Roommate Finder

Flight Tickets & Health Insurance

and many more...

We have mentors from all major universities in the United States